Adidas, Polestar….WIESEMANN 1893?

In a world of closed retail spaces and empty streets the trend for DTC (direct to customer) brands is stronger than ever before. Internet World has released a list of 12 DTC experts to follow and really included me and WIESEMANN 1893 🙌

And the headline was not just clickbaiting. The list includes DTC champions league players like Kasper Rorsted (CEO Adidas), Thomas Ingenlath (Polestar), Jenni Baum Minkus (Founder Gitti) or Eric Hippeau (investor)…. and me. Thanks for adding me to this list and let’s see if we can live up to the expectations.


If you have questions around DTC strategies feel free to send me a message. If you want to do some background research on the DTC trend I would recommend to check out: has a really good newsletter on all developments around DTC is a good German resource to get a full overview on German DTC brands
OMR has a really good podcast episode with Wharton professor David Bell on DTC brands


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