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An ecommerce conference during a perfect storm

Most public ecommerce stocks are down around -70% and the industry meets up at the K5 conference in Berlin. What a great timing.

End of June the biggest German speaking ecommerce conference made its physical comeback. It was super interesting to see that the mood was way better than the overall industry performance...but hey, drinks were for free. Honestly, most people I spoke to were not very impressed by the stock market situation and people basicall tried to focus on improving their business.

I had the pleasure to present WIESEMANN 1893 at the marketplace panel togehter with Erik from MissPompadour and Johannes from Snocks. It was a form of Q&A and I learned that unprepared questions can be quite uncomfortable. If you want to get a glance at the conference all stages were filmed and you can rewatch it all at K5 Club.